*Written by Steve Hubbard, Elder

There is no need to ask the question as to whether you’ve ever been worn-out to a complete frazzle because I know you have.  Everybody has at some point; or multiple points.  Some even consider it a lifestyle!

We lead busy lives and somehow have conditioned ourselves to consider busy-ness as next to Godliness.  I was going to write this devotion on Monday (a holiday) but things came up, and Tuesday brought in a new rendering project on Sutter Street.  This morning (Wednesday) was consumed by a meeting with an architect in Citrus Heights, this afternoon involved a site-check for photos on another Sutter Street project. Wednesday Night Men’s Growth Group has concluded, so here I am at 9:53 pm writing on the subject of “Frazzlement!”  (I like that word but dictionary.com doesn’t recognize it!)
I’m at a loss to know how to change all this, especially in our hectic culture, but I do think the Lord has several things to say about dealing with it.  For one thing, He reminds us not to be a Martha (frazzled with the details) but to be a Mary, 41 ‘Martha, Martha,’ the Lord answered, ‘you are worried and upset about many things, 42 but few things are needed—or indeed only one.   Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her’” NIV.

Okay, so how do you do that?  … especially with so many things on the “to do” list?  I was fortunate to learn something many years ago, so many years that I don’t remember who gave this idea to me.  Someone said, at a particularly frazzled moment in my life, “How ‘bout praying for the Lord to bless your time like He did the loaves and fish?”  I have done that many times since and have experienced the thrill of getting much done in a very small amount of time!

A few weeks ago, during the service, Pastor Bobby divided us into groups of two or three to pray for each other’s needs.  I had the privilege of praying with Jasmin Bechthold and asked her to pray that very prayer for me, as I had some tight project deadlines in the week to come.  All got done and on time; thank you Jasmin for your prayers!

When we acknowledge Who created time, and Who controls time, and Who it is that enables us to accomplish many things, spiritually and practically, and when we give Him the glory, that is the greatest step toward de-frazzlement!  Okay, “de-frazzlement” is definitely not found on dictionary.com, but my devotion is finished, and it’s only 10:38 pm!  Thank you Jesus!!
